A PCC student was supposed to deliver the statement below tonight at the PCC Board of Trustees meeting regarding the allegations that Dr. Jeanette Mann is implicated in voter fraud. Believing that thugs should never be appeased here is the statement:
Good evening members of the Board of Trustees.The Last time I spoke to the Board, I spoke of the need to hold people to account. I said that if the Board of Trustees is not held to account, no one on campus can be. I referred to the actions of Dr. Jeanette Mann during her current term on the Board, including her intervening in the Presidential hiring process that resulted in the disaster named Perfumo. That cost PCC two years and a million dollars.
I mentioned her ethical lapses of judgment, including the disclosure of the District's negotiating position to the Faculty Union and her seeking endorsements and money a few weeks ago by using PCC employees' on-campus e-mail addresses and work time. I mentioned how rude and disrespectful she is.
Now I am compelled to talk about something even more serious.
Dr. Mann's son Stephen went to Cal Berkley for his undergraduate degree. Then he moved out of the State of California. First to Washington where he got his Master's degree in 1988 and then his Ph.D. in 1992. Then he moved out of the country, when he accepted a teaching assignment at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada. He has been a permanent resident in Canada where he has a family and earns his livelihood. All of those things are perfectly acceptable.
What is not acceptable is that to this day, Dr. Stephen Mann continues to have absentee ballots sent to him. Worse, they were submitted and his votes were cast as recently as March and April 2011 in the local Pasadena school board election. Now, one of two things is true: either Dr. Mann filled them out and cast his votes, or they were sent to her son in Canada, then mailed back and submitted. In any event, any ballot cast by a non-resident of the State of California in a non-federal election is illegal.
The Election Codes I am referring to are as follows:
Election Code: 18501. Any public official who knowingly violates any of theProvisions of this chapter, and thereby aids in any way the illegalcasting or attempting to cast a vote, or who connives to nullify anyof the provisions of this chapter in order that fraud may be perpetrated, shall forever be disqualified from holding office inthis state and upon conviction shall be sentenced to a state prisonfor 16 months or two or three years.
Election Code: 2300. (a) All voters, pursuant to the California Constitution andthis code, shall be citizens of the United States. There shall be aVoter Bill of Rights for voters, available to the public, which shallread:(1) (A) You have the right to cast a ballot if you are a validRegistered voter.
(B) A valid registered voter means a United States citizen who isa resident in this state, who is at least 18 years of age and not inprison or on parole for conviction of a felony, and who is registeredto vote at his or her current residence address.
Election Code: 18500: Any person who commits fraud or attempts to commit fraud,and any person who aids or abets fraud or attempts to aid or abet fraud,in connection with any vote cast, to be cast, or attempted tobe cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16months or two or three years.
So Dr. Mann, it appears you committed a number of felonies, which could may include election fraud, conspiracy to commit election fraud, aiding or abetting in a fraud, mail fraud, forgery, and/or perjury. Or have you been a willing dupe for the past twenty years and just remained silent.
I ended the last time by demanding that Dr. Mann resign before the election on November 8. I still demand that. People have got to be held to account, and that must start with you, the Board. When Board members break policies, rules, regulations, and commit felonies, and it is just ignored or papered over, what have we come to?
Dr. Mann, why don't you finally show leadership and step aside?
Enough is enough.
Dr. Mann, you have met your Waterloo.