Oh, this is hilarious - I just had to send it. As we all know NW Pasadena residents have been clamoring for years for a neighborhood hydroponics store so they can start growing tomatoes and strawberries (NOT marijuana) in the back bedroom! Well, who knows, maybe there is some huge sustainable indoor vegetable farming movement going on in northwest Pasadena that we didn't know about.
"Supporters say the business will cater to a burgeoning customer base intent on growing flowers, tomatoes, strawberries and a host of vegetables for home use in indoor farms."
'"The store's target market are horticulturists and avid gardeners," [District 1 Councilwoman Jacque] Robinson added.'
Like wow, man.......I can't wait for that store to open. Hope they have a munchies section.
Posted by: DA | July 25, 2011 at 11:01 PM
Hydroponics, So last century. What we need on Lincoln Avenue is a GASOLINE STATION. Planners have turned a blind eye to this obvious method of bringing folks to Lincoln Avenue. J. Robinson more interested in housing issues instead of jobs for residents.
Posted by: Jim Behm | July 26, 2011 at 12:52 PM