December 24, 2010


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 Joe Vedado

We would like Mr. Madison to explain why he never reported as gifts his frequent all expense paid trips to Havana, Cuba paid for by the Southwest Voter Research and Education Project and the Willie Velasquez Institute?
He was required by law to report these gifts but never did. Perhaps, he would also like to explain exactly what he was doing there on these trips?


Hey Mr. Vedadohead,

Considering the wealth of ideas contained in this post, I'd would like you to explain why your reading comprehension is so poor. You did READ the article, didn't you?


DA - perhaps you have a legitimate point to make. People might even care what it is if you didn't encourage them to brush you off as juvenile the minute you start your comment with an insulting play on the man's name, continue with an allegation that can't be supported (poor reading comprehension), and end with sarcasm. Political discourse is important and the winner in debate is the one who calmly makes and supports his point most effectively. I read that Mr. Madison disagrees with Mrs. Nabor's contention that his schedule leaves not enough time to deal with the weighty issues listed as indicated by his attendance record. I doubt he started his reply with "hey Naborhead". As for the article, please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is the concil seat race is apolitical, but it seems to try to rally Democrats against Mrs. Nabor by linking her with the Tea Party people. It even tries to refute Mrs. Nabor's contention that she is not affiated with the Tea Party by pointing out she is registered Republican. All Republicans are not Tea Party activists. In fact, many people on both sides resent the hijacking of both parties by extreme elements. Then it disparages the Tea Party. This comes off as an attempt to rally Democrats against Mrs. Nabor. Many Democrats in fact support Mrs. Nabor due to her concern for the neighborhoods in District 6. It has been a very long time since an incumbent lost a bid for council in Pasadena. Voter attention spans are short. A detailed listing of issues and stances on same may not be enough to overcome such inertia. Pointing out that Mr. Madison may be spread too thinly to effectively deal with these issues, regardless of his stances on them, seems to be a legitimate point. You can't solve a problem you have no time to pay attention to.

דקים מעץ

The dilemma of Lewis Carroll’s tale seems to be set up to perform out in the contemporary fairyland of Pasadena.

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